How useful are these?

Discussion in 'Woodturning' started by Daydreamer, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. Daydreamer

    Daydreamer New Member

    I saw a a lathe attachment for dremels on a T.V. show a few months back. It looks small enough to sit on the kitchen table, making it handy for making quick pieces or staying warm in the colder months, as opposed to freezing in the garage.

    Are these pretty useful, or am I dreaming again?
  2. unique1

    unique1 New Member

    I question anything I see on t.v. That's what makes this forum helpful, hopefully someone with experience answers your question soon. I am anxious to know too!
  3. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    When I see stuff like that advertised on the tv I write down the name of the item and then go to Google and type in "complaints" and then the name of the item. It has kept me more than once from wasting money on something that looked to be totally legit but wound up being poorly made.
  4. woodpecker

    woodpecker New Member

    Television advertisements can never be trusted. Since they want you to purchase their products, they just highlight the positive aspects of the products. I would rather read the product reviews first. There are loads of them on the Internet. I simply loved heretoday's method too. I think I will adopt it in future.
  5. toolman

    toolman New Member

    dremels on a T.V

    I would say no but do you have a web site?
  6. Daydreamer

    Daydreamer New Member

    Now that's a really good idea. A friend of mine has bought a ton of stuff from those late night shopping shows that turned out to be useless.
  7. oldnamvet

    oldnamvet Member

    Dremels tend to have a lot of rpm and not much power. As a lathe I can't see them being useful for anything of size. You might be able to turn pens without stalling it out. gut feel is that they would be a waste of money and end up buring out the motor on the dremel.
  8. Nailed

    Nailed New Member

    While my lathe is one of the most useful and often-used tools I have and I would not go two weeks without having one, any power tool I could set up on my kitchen table has absolutely no interest for me. Unless you are into arts and crafts and have lots of patience when things start falling apart, be cautious about ordering this next latest great thing.
  9. Rob

    Rob New Member

    More power needed

    I don't use a Dremel, although there's one around here somewhere. I think my mom last borrowed it for doing some craft work for her Bible school classes. I need more power than a Dremel tool offers in most of the things I do. For some small tasks, it does come in useful.
  10. busterswoodshop

    busterswoodshop Super Moderator Staff Member

    I haven't seen the add you are talking about but I can venture that you would have nothing but problems with it.