Changing toilets

Discussion in 'Home Improvement' started by Matty, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. Matty

    Matty New Member

    I'm thinking of changing the toilets in our house. I don't know how much of an improvement it will make but it will conserve water. I've seen some cool - less water flushers. Anyone have one of these? Do you like them? Something easy enough I can change out?
  2. Sandy

    Sandy New Member

    We have one, and I do not like it at all. Every time my teenaged nephew comes over, he stops the thing up. So do the children when the kids have friends over. There's nothing like having a birthday party for 25 kids and their parents, and one of your toilets backs up.
  3. Blueb

    Blueb New Member

    I don't like them either... There is not enough water in the toilet bowl to do any good. I notice that they do plug more often too. We have some at work and gross stuff sticks on the side of the toilet since there is not a lot of water.
  4. Matty

    Matty New Member

    Oh boy - maybe we won't switch to one of those. I don't want a messy toilet and we always have kids over. I was just thinking with the toilet using less water, I would be saving the environment.